If the name Adrien Gagnon was known in 1924, it wasn’t for natural health products: back then, Adrien Gagnon was a bodybuilder who trained other athletes in his very own gym... set up right in his living room!

In 1946,the start of a great adventure: Adrien Gagnon Natural Health is founded. Always concerned by others’ health and well-being, Adrien Gagnon launches his first health and fitness magazine, while simultaneously developing his first natural health product line for weight management.


Adrien Gagnon, ND, a pioneering naturopath, successfully grew his business over the years.Ever since its foundation, Adrien Gagnon Natural Health has set itself apart through innovative product launches.

In 1978,Launch of first meal replacement bars.

In 1997,Launch of glucosamine; a first for Canada!
In 2004,Mr. Adrien Gagnon is invited to help develop new Health Canada natural health supplement regulations.Adrien Gagnon products are now sold internationally.
With over 70 years of experience, we are proud to be among the most important natural health organizations in Canada, with an offer of over 150 vitamins, minerals and supplements. In touch with the latest trends, we’re constantly innovating so that you can benefit from the best ingredients that nature has to offer.

Now featured on the shelves of over 1000 pharmacies, online, and in over 20 countries around the globe, Adrien Gagnon Natural Health continues to grow. Thanks to our team of passionate experts, our original mission has remained unchanged: to be your trusted source for solutions and natural health advice, no matter what your age or lifestyle is, to help you maintain and improve your health.

From the beginning, our priority was your health and wellness. It still is, even today.

Thank you for placing your trust in us for all these years.